Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What a day

Super full day. Completed the sorting and organizing of the supply room. They can finally find those 4x4 gauze sponges! Moved onto further cataloging eyeglasses and reading prescriptions while Dr.Scott thoroughly examined his patients and Jill moved patients ever so gently and effectively through the eye dilation process.
Lunch at orphanage was made extra special by the arrival of the kids from school. So many hugs and kisses.
Filing cabinets were finally delivered and everyone who saw them were so excited. Their arrival finally provides a proper home for hundreds of patient files which up to now are loose everywhere.
Most fun of all was the return truck ride the open bed through the 'subdivisions' of Jeremie. Waves, hellos, smiles, photos and of course an occasional teenager tossing green peas at us, which of course got tossed back to great laughter. They truly love Americans!
We spent our last meal with Dr.Marcellus before he returned to Port au Prince. We enjoyed getting to know him, and he us...but I must admit I think he knows more US history than most of us!
We also said so long to Augustine Axary as he also needed to return to PAP in preparation for his entrance exam to hopefully enter university. Au revior and good luck.

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