Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dusted donuts. . .

Now, some of you might think the headline means we're eating pretty good, which we are. . .adjusted for local circumstances! Plantains, bananas, goat, papaya. . .even some fresh coconut today for the "schleppers" One of our local crew shinnied up a tree and knocked down several, which the wirey old fella who's being singing his weight in pickaxe proceeded to carve up with the deftness of a Japanese teppenyaki chef! But I digress. . .

. . .dusted donuts refers to the wall crew, building the wall next to the main thoroughfare, which is a gravel road and dusty since we haven't had rain in two days.

Of course, we have nothing on the painting crew, since every kid in the orphanage seemed to take a turn with the roller after school!

Spamwiches made their much anticipate return at lunch today, and the price for the brought-along power bars on the Haiti team black market nearly doubled!

We bring arts and crafts/puzzles and games/sewing supplies/school supplies/stuffed animals to the orphanage tomorrow afternoon, and something sweet to share with them all. .aka party time.
We'll be looking in on the old folks home sometime in the next day or so, which needs some help. And we visit the high school computer lab on Friday for a kind of ribbon cutting.

We've recapped each day after dinner, then take some time for very thoughtful reflections prepared before the trip by Brian. For the most part, our "plans" seem to be getting done. There are daily adjustments we've had to make to reflect local conditions, etc.

While I might like to describe things around some big idea or great insight, this week is split between helping lots of people in little ways (like someone getting vitamins at the clinic, which had run out before we arrived), "nurturing" (like delivering the laptops to to the school, so the students might have access to the vast resources of the Internet)' and plain 'ole pitching in. JOHN

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