Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Great Experiences

Hello from Jeremie:

We had another great day preparing, sorting, and cleaning approx 2-3,000 eyeglasses.
Dr. Scott and Jill Wilkinson have been seeing many eye patients each day, many which only see a Dr. after having very serious or almost emergency conditions.   Also, some patients have had a very difficult trip in order to make it to this Methodist clinic.   Many of them may not see an eye Dr. again for several years.  It is interesting that as badly as they may need glasses, they still are very selective with the appearance of the glasses. The completely unsorted conditions of their inventory of glasses was next to impossible to find without their storage becoming organized.  In fact, as Deanna and I were sorting glasses today, Dr. Marselles who visits here from Port au Prince frequently, was trying to convince us that we should return again next year.

Probably the highlight of the day was when we were having lunch at the Methodist Children's Project (many of which are orphans) with the rest of the team, the children returned from their morning school.  As they returned, they came up to us to shake our hands or (the girl's) also give us a kiss.

The week has been moving very quickly and we are delighted that we have been able to accomplish quite a bit in the name of the Lord!

As enlightening as the experience has been, we are looking forward to being in church with you all on Sunday.

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