Monday, January 9, 2012

My Sunday Reflections

Sunday January 8th,
An amazing morning at the very rural church of Bois Neuf of Rev. Chrisnels 35 churches in his circuit. The road to church was noteworthy....people doing their morning chores among wandering goats and cows and others dressed in their finery, complete with lace socks and hair bows---making their way on foot to church---sometimes for mileson gravel and mud laden terrain---such commitment!
This small church packed with approximately 125 people awaiting Reverend Chrisnel's appearance who would preach only once at this church this calendar year. Children holding children sat in the center aisle, flanked by their parents along the church sides. Not a peep, besides singing, was heard from these kids throughout the 2 hour service.
Guitarists strumming the hymns with the aide of bull horns for amplification! Interesting sound quality.
Our own Rev.Brian did us proud at the altar...duel preaching with Rev. Chrisnel offering the translation in Haitian Kreyol.
Adults approached us with smiles and warm Bon Jours, while the children remained curiously least untils the cameras were made visible. Then havoc reigned king as they all not only wanted their photos taken, but all wanted to see themselves. Smiles and giggles abound....what an easy way to share joy!
More joy was shared with the purchase of a 'samosa' of sorts from a vendor on the church property. They were so excited that we made the purchase and ate the snack in front of them. They were delighted that we even entertained the idea of sharing their meager snack.
Loving every moment of this time. Love sharing our gifts with our Haitian brothers and sisters. More to come tomorrow from the clinic......Nancy

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