Thursday, January 12, 2012


Not much success in changing my biorhythms to Haitian time---still awake at 4:30 am and quietly up and about by 5:00, albeit in the darkness this morning as the power and backup systems have minds of their own---but this is Haiti!
I love the wee morning hours, but unlike at home where I usually plow into emails, bill paying or breakfast for John, here I find myself with time to listen to the sounds that fill the early morning air and reflect on all I have done and hope to do. I am soaking in the crowing of the roosters (who have no sense of time as they begin their chorus at 2am), the yelping dogs, church bells from the Catholic Church and chanting-type evangelism from a nearby revival.
Knowing that my time here is short, I wonder whether I am really making a difference in this impoverished country. I haven't written much about the deplorable conditions here, but they are worse than one can really imagine. Most striking is the sheer breadth of the poor conditions. It is vast! I know I cannot make huge changes, but at the same time I know I can change the lives of a few. I hope that my shared love and kindness will help build hope and courage to not despair.
Dear God help me to help them in any small way I can in my remaining days. Thank you to all of you at home who have made it possible for this team to be here on the ground. We are grateful for your open and generous hearts and gifts. Please know that even the smallest gift is received with joy---a single rubber band to a child, 1/2 a granola bar to a Haitian worker, the remnants of cutoff jeans to the seamstress and best of all smiles, smiles, smiles!

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