Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sounds of Haiti

Thought I might share something a little different today. Others will probably recap the day's work, which was extensive. .and in fine, albeit hot weather. . .hot enough that our Haitian wall masons even were asking for water, for the first time this week.

I'd like to share some sounds of Haiti.

Like the steel band welcoming you to Haiti at the airport.

Like the roosters, which. .here. . .are on the job all the time, and very often perched in trees right outside your 2nd story window!

Like the nightlife in downtown Jeremie, which you can hear very clearly (given the prevailing winds that blow off the sea, across the outdoor gaiety, and up the hill to our guesthouse). How can you not learn to appreciate the music when it's available "live". . .from midnight to 6 am!

Like motorbike and (rickety)heavy truck horns, everyone of them nearly always on, attached to vehicles going way too fast on loose gravel roads. . .kicking up whole sandstorms of dust for the endless foot traffic to cope with!

Like the gentle and genuine "Bon jour/Bon soir", attached to a warm smile, from nearly Haitian you meet.

Like the giggles and snickers from the Haitian little ones seeing their image for the first time in the camera display.

Like the collective sighs of relief when the water in the shower starts to work again, after a hot and dusty day like today (when the wall team was enlarged in the afternoon by "nubie schleppers", who proved themselves worthy but also carted home a mountain of road dust).

Like the silence at the dinner table in the guest house, as my compadres devour dinner after a full day. .like every day this week. . .and the silence of our individual thoughts about positively affecting the lives of quite a few new friends so far this week. JOHN

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