Thursday, April 11, 2013


It is always wonderful when you learn about someone's strengths, and boy have we learned about the strengths of Nurse Dorismond at the clinic.  Young mom of two kids, slow to warm, quick to delegate,  and after a few days you know what she is really good at.  Today we labeled her Larenn de  Lavage  or Queen of the Washing  (of the ears, that is).  Because of dusty conditions here, let alone sanitation issues, many folks have awesome bug-a-boos deep in their ears.  Enter in Nrs. Dorismond ....bulb syringe in one hand, an occasional use of otoscope and then any other contraption she can find to remove that bugger.  I don't care if it takes 45 min per ear, she will squirt and spray until voile.....out it comes!  We had her laughing like crazy today with her new title.  She also 'got it '
when immediately after one ear washing the patient's cell phone rang and we yelled "can you hear me now?"  The place was cracking up.  It is nice to share some fun times among the difficult ones, (17 year olds with tb, 34 year old with malaria and tb, and those with blood pressures of 234/122!). How are they even walking around?
Nrs. Dorismond must trust us too because she let us follow her show us everything she does.  She is not only and expert ear washer, but also a most thorough family planning counselor. I have never seen such a complete, kind, non judge mental approach to teaching birth control.  Every method (abstinence to rhythm to pills to injections to ligation) were explained.  Patient was asked to repeat  such that there were no misunderstandings.  The rhythm method was very interesting as she utilized a multi colored beaded necklace as a tool that represented a monthly cycle.....complete with 'danger zone beads!'
We love the sharing and look forward to another day!

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