Friday, April 12, 2013

From dark to light

I must mention a bit about the work of Dr. Scott and his team of three....himself, his scrub tech (Mary) and his newly indoctrinated circulating nurse (Jill).  These three have worked for past four days behind closed doors and surgical masks removing dense cataracts from those who haven't been able to see clearly for years.  They work nonstop knowing that patients have walked miles and waited hours to be seen.  They trust the American dr. Something to be proud of for sure.
Dr. Scott, calm, quiet and methodical goes about his business of providing this delicate surgery with skill of steady hand and steadfast heart.  Mary must move quicker trying to anticipate Scott's every move in unfamiliar territory and with what I shall call...huge lapses in equipment,'s a 'make do with what you have' system.  She smiles constantly....a reassurance to both the Dr. And the patient.  And Jill,  my goodness...she is not a nurse, she is not medical at all, but from behind a mask she has become an astute circulating nurse.  Getting this and that, adjusting equipment.  She is the conduit between the unsterile and the sterile  surgical world.  A lifeline if you will. She has provided the surgical team everything they need and has learned all that medical jibberish and jargon along the way.  I am so very proud of them. I am joyous for the patients they have served and brought into the light of this world.  Thanks be to God!
Today we serve the people of Jeremie for the last day.  Who knows what today will bring!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your team and the beloved people of Haiti!
    Julie Work
