Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Foaming at the mouth. . .

It's not what you think.

Today, the eye surgery team was back at it at the clinic in Gebeau, and the other 3 (Nancy, Lynne and   John) made their way back to Chiraque.  We were sponsoring construction at both the church and adjacent multi-grade school (a two room affair, not counting the three classes taking place outside under tarps).  All students were neatly attired in their yellow uniforms, and all girls' hair sported barrettes or ribbons.

Inside the church, the carpenters were sawing, sanding, gluing and nailing new pews. . 8 done so far against a total of 30 to be built.  After that, school benches will be built.

Masons had poured a concrete floor in the one school room that was still hard packed dirt, and were putting a finish skim on the cinder block walls that had recently been repaired.

We set up shop inside the church as well, and began flouride treatments for 130 kids over 3 hours. . .5 at a time, first with brush on treatments and, when gone, followed by teeth trays filled with. .you guessed it, foam.  Word spread fast. . .the first few were reluctant but once the other kids saw the cool stickers on their uniforms (and also realized it really was 10 minutes of sanctioned hookey!), they sort of ran into the room and took their seats on the waiting bench.

During this time, some of the folks subject to eye and medical triage after Sunday's services came to pick up their eyeglasses or other prescribed medications.  There were also some walk-ins, including a mother with a truly healthy baby but just wanting to be reassured.  There was also a teenager who sadly appeared to be afflicted with TB.  We had his condition documented in a note written in Creole, and gave him taxi fare to the clinic in Gebeau, where they can give him proper treatment.

The flouride treatments wrapped up around 1 pm, and we arranged with the school Principal to have all kids return to the church where the girls were given a new dress, and the boys given shorts or a shirt.  Those of you who have ever visited Filene's Basement can visualize the energy in the room. . .

. . .but the teachers helped maintain order, sort of.  Picture a room filled with the sounds of circular saws, hammers,  power sanders, planers, squealing girls and jostling boys. . . .and Nancy and Lynne attempting to listen to heartbeats while taking blood pressures.

Gotta love the energy of it all. . .and many of you reading this blog are to thank for all the smiles. . .the brighter ones following flouride treatments. . .the excited ones after getting a new, lovely dress. . .the grateful ones after receiving any of the food and drink we shared as we could.  We were there for  you, as you were there for them.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for keeping us posted and for being the hands and feet of Christ. I wish I could really see the smiles. Beth Titus
