Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Beep Beep

Any Haitian with a motorbike or truck (fugittaboutit if you're thinking cars, 'cause they can't survive the roads here) lays on the horn. . .all the time. . .at people. . .at other motorbikes or trucks. . .at nothing!!  At some point, one might conclude its just about making a statement. . .like, amid all of the squalor, the poverty, the imperceptible (if any) improvement in any aspect of daily life here, that honking the horn is one way to stand out, to announce one's existence.

I'm now reminded of a little poem. . ."A man said to the Universe, 'Sir, I exist'. . .to which the Universe replied, 'That does not create within me a sense of obligation'".

I can imagine it takes a lot to get the Universe's attention, but one little anonymous 6-year old managed to get an entire clinic's attentions today.  He was on his way home. . .alone. . .walking alongside the main drag. . .darted across the road and got knocked down by two dudes on a motorcycle.  They did the right thing and brought him into the clinic, and departed. .probably
 fearing the cops would nail them (for the record, in 3 trips to Haiti, I haven't seen a cop issuing a citation to anyone).  The little guy had two gashes in his scalp, requiring stitches, and a nasty raspberry on his right inner thigh above the knee.  Nancy and Lynne began cleaning and prepping him for the repairs to come. . .but no one knew where he lived and he couldn't really say because, well, the street addresses we all memorized when that age just don't exist down here.

But, one by one, Haitian adults crowded into the treatment room, piecing together this kid's family particulars. . .ultimately leading to someone going and fetching his aunt.  Who needs the Universe when ordinary folks care. . . .

. . . .but I'm cool with the honking, especially given these roads and the less-than-robust structural integrity of the local fleet!

1 comment:

  1. It's so good to hear how you all are doing. Such good work being done by good people to the wonderful people in Haiti. Could just picture that 6 year old. He might not have known, but I know he was in good hands. Love to you all, Judy
