Monday, April 11, 2016

Exhausted. . .

Today was mobile medical and dental in Chiraque.  It is the most difficult "commute" we have this trip, up some combination of dry wash, gravel, mud, rutted rock, and occasional concrete areas. . .not all covering the roadway width. . .and it's been raining a lot, mostly at night, potentially making this ONLY route to Chiraque a crapshoot this morning.

We had two very heavily laden vehicles making this trip. . .nine people in one, along with 4-5 tubs of meds, doses and gear, and probably 10 people in the "chase car" (a crew cab pick-up). . .the bed stacked with tubs and duffels, and our bevy of Haitian helpers hanging off the back!

Our two Haitian Doctors saw 179 patients in 7 hours, all of whom left with whatever medications the Docs ordered. . .courtesy of St. John's-Providence (donated),  Blessings International (discounted) and many FUMC members who responded to our requests for vitamins, TUMS and other items.

We had a Dentist with us (Maria, who was with us also last year) who performed 39 extractions. . .outside. . .under a tree. . .

. . .and Scott Wilkinson and Dr. Marcellus, a Haitian eye Doctor from Port au Prince who visits the Gebeau Clinic monthly, saw over 60 patients.

The FUMC team was at it ALL day supporting the Doctors in their work. . .doing triage, taking blood pressures, filling prescriptions, bagging pills and dosing out take-home quantities of bulk cough medicines.  There was a brief chow break but basically it was up-and-at-em the entire day.

 In the middle of all of this, we also managed to distribute probably around 200 dresses, skirts, gym shorts and T-shirts either made or donated by FUMC folks or friends our Haiti mission has made along the way these past few years. . . .and the newly-constructed bookshelves located in the solar panel equipment room were stocked with new books and other educational supplies for Chiraque's school. . .and the FUMC logo was painted on the equipment room wall to hopefully be a daily reminder of the friendship we have developed. . .and the goals for the soccer field were installed, albeit at the end of the day. . .which prohibited the much anticipated, first-ever FUMC versus  Chiraque football match. . .

. . .which was a very good thing indeed as we were flat-out whipped walking down the trail to our rides home.  Exhausted, yes. . .but the walk the the cars was something out of The Wizard of Oz, every team member escorted by chattering, smiling, clinging "munchkins" of Chiraque, and the first part of the drive home had small groups of villagers coming to the road all smiles and waving.

Worth it, yes.

John Smith

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