We'll be posting daily, Internet and electrical power availability permitting of course, and hope to include some pictures as well. We'll be installing solar power on the church roof in our adopted mountain village of Chiraque, where the end game is giving the kids in school the the same kind of access to the "world" that their contemporaries have most everywhere else. We'll be conducting mobile medical/dental/eye clinics in Chiraque, Gommiers, the Jeremie jail, and a part of Jeremie known as "Tent City". We'll be doing fluoride treatments, distributing dresses made by FUMC's seamstresses, delivering Chromebooks to Chiraque and the John Wesley High School, and helping carve out a crude but flattish soccer field for the kids to use in Chiraque (right now, they play in a narrow pathway between the two 2-room school buildings).
We're able to do many things because of the generous support from FUMC's congregation, and because of the many friends we've made in the ground in Haiti. . .who do a LOT of legwork for us before we arrive. Many thanks to everyone who cares and pitches in one way or another. Every little bit helps.
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