Saturday, April 18, 2015

I'm not kidding. . . .

. . .the power in Haiti (among the top 5 oxymorons in the English language) was on ALL NIGHT. . .meaning the fans worked all night, too.  Of course, just about the time Nancy was ready to start drying her hair. . .

OK, back to business.  Spent the morning organizing meds for a return to St. Antoine Hospital and, while Nancy was playing stawboss to the work of Serge, Daniel and Nisage, I was managing repairs to the 2nd floor balcony screens.  We ran a few errands on the way to St. Antoine, picking up supplies for our 2-day mobile dental/medical visit to Chiraque on Monday and Tuesday, some garden tools for NuNu, and some hardware for the new school building that is nearing completion in Chiraque.  Dr. Marx picked up additional novocain and injection needles for the 2 dentists who will (very) likely be doing extractions.  While they're doing that, Nancy and Daniel will be administering de-worming to the villagers and varnish to the kids' teeth.

Once at St. Antoine, Nancy instructed Daniel on how to apply colostomy bags. . .as we brought a supply before departing Detroit once we heard of the patient, and the hospital's lack of proper treatment materials.  We peeked in on the pediatric ward again, and was happy to see the littlest one somewhat improved from her high fever the day before. . .and, yes, the FUMC blankets were very much in use!  I didn't mention that every dress and baby blanket we brought has a label saying in Creole, "Made with love by First United Methodist Church".  

We visited Axary's parents (Axary is the young man we sponsored in college in Haiti and, during his first year, won a 2-year State Department scholarship to study in the U.S., where he will graduate next month).  Axary's mom is a brittle diabetic and we brough insulin with us for her.  They were all atwitter with their new home, which now features a roof. . something we helped them with.  

We stopped by Good Sam again, and delivered the last pair of new sandals to the one resident for which yesterday we didn't have the proper size.  Lots of smiles and hugs despite our brief stay today. 

Back at the Guest House, more prep for Monday and Tuesday. . .looked a bit suspicious as the crew was counting and bagging pills!  Had some great moments sprinkled in, like Marjorie's mom receving the $300 needed for Marjorie to complete her nursing studies, graduate AND receive the certificate to prove it (in Haiti, you pay for your schooling. . but one of the biggest expenses is paying for the certificate after you successfully complete your studies).  Our dental crew stopped by. . .mom and daughter are both dentists at Gebeau. . .and we confirmed all the needed meds and prep for our Chiraque visit on Monday.  

We'll be attending church services at the big church in downtown Jeremie tomorrow, something we haven't done in prior visits.  3 hour services typically, with half a dozen choirs. . .we'll be wearing our lightest-weight clothing!  

John and Nancy

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