Thursday, April 3, 2014

Dancin' in my new clothes. . .

Young and old were voguing in Haiti today. More of the cute and fanciful dresses sewn by FUMC seamstresses were handed to the school kids in Chiraque today. This is the same place where we're supporting the construction of a new 2-room school building. . and, man, what a difference from our first visit on Monday! The foundation is nearly complete, and re-bar positioned and forms being built for the concrete columns that will support the roof and provide structure for the cinder block walls. Over 60 villagers were at work, hauling mortar and stone up the hill, others making the mortar, others laying stone, etc. Water is needed and there is none in the mountaintop village. . .folks are walking to the river. . .an hour away. . .down the hill. . .to get a bucket of water. . .and walk back up the hill. . .for an hour. . .all day long. . .
now let's hear it for an hour or so of shoveling snow! Holy mackeral!

At the clinic, this was a big day for the eye crew, with some consultations in the morning but 6 scheduled surgeries that had their day ending at 8 pm. They have a couple more hours of consultations tomorrow but we're off to Port au Prince early afternoon. Our nurses made gifts of the scrubs they wore this week to their grateful counterparts.

At Good Sam, we made another visit, mostly to drop off a few odds and ends, and always have something to do. .like break out our water bottles and hydrate the elder statesmen and stateswomen, pass out the goodies we stole from lunch, and distribute some clothing to the womenfolk. .who proceeded to change on the spot. . .I mean ON the spot, meaning out in the courtyard. Then they starting voguing in their new clothes, and someone else started singing "The Lord Provides All". . .

A picture is worth a thousand words and 5 more from today follow. We have some packing to do, but we'll be about 750 pounds lighter on the return flight!

John Smith

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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