Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Getting Ready to Return to Jeremie. . .

Soon, 8 of us will return to Jeremie, Haiti for a week's worth of work.  Scott, Jill and Mary will be doing eye surgeries again this year, and folks will WALK considerable distances to be seen and treated.  Flouride treatments will be administered again in 3 different villages by Nancy, her sister Lynn, and Shawn. .another nurse from First United.  Meds donated by St. John's-Providence, and baby blankets and other supplies for the clinic's malnourished newborne program will also be delivered. . along with 300 sundresses and assorted "boy" clothes made by hand by the FUMC seamstresses. . .finally, a use for all of that material filling up closets everywhere!

 Roland and I will be helping the ladies some but spend most of our time helping local Haitian masons build a foundation for a new 2-room school building in the village of Chiraque.  All building materials are HAND CARRIED, UP THE MOUNTAIN, the last 10 or so minutes.  I'm hoping that has happened before we arrive, as the most technologically advanced tool they can bring to bear on the foundation is a pick ax!  We will be replacing the tattered window and door curtains at the old folks home, and bringing new laptops to the high school (solid-state Chromebooks that should hold up better under the constant heat/humidity/dust that is Haiti).

Our basement has been filling up with all of the above, and we've squeezed into duffels for the trip to Haiti.  Having all of what we take finally get into the guest house is the same feeling as when your kids stopped needing diapers!

We'll post everyday and we hope you follow along. . .best, John Smith

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